Sunday, October 26, 2008

the death of rolling stone!!!!

back before the internet became the ultimate source of knowledge i frequently read magazines. one of my favorite magazines growing up was rolling stone. i looked forward to every issue due to the fact that it provided pretty reliable music stories and recommendations. i can remember my freshman year of college by what issue of rolling stone i was reading at a certain time. well i don't know if anyone else has noticed, but we are witnessing the death of a legendary magazine. the same magazine that produced the unforgettable photo of lennon clinging to yoko naked in bed has now almost completely abandoned music. i can barely even flip through an issue anymore without feeling complete disgust for the magazine. it is now almost completely dedicated to politics. i love politics, but lets let the political magazines handle it. rolling stone needs to get back to its roots and rededicate itself to music.

ps. i wonder who rolling stone endorses!!! hahaha.

pss. this will be my first and most likely only ranting i do on this blog. sorry for being such a complainer.


BDH said...

Rolling Stone has covered politics since its inception, and election years have always been an especially intense time.

Look through the mag's covers through history and you'll see. Don't worry, it's still a music mag.

Trevolution said...

It makes me sick, The Anointed One has taken over all neutral areas of our culture.

ShaLyse Walker said...

haha I know right? I read this month's issue on my cruise and the barack obama interview was retarded.